2015 - 2016 Hear We Are

In 2015-2016, the theme project is “Hear We Are”. It is a breakthrough in the history of Host. Instead of serving a specific service target, we cooperated with a charitable organisation, namely Silence, to promote social integration with the deaf and hard of hearing.
For the whole theme project, it consists of three parts.
Embrace The Silence
It was a fundraising event. We held a “Deaf Experience Workshop” for other Leo Clubs. The participants were required to wear earmuffs and remained silent in the event. There were games for the participants to experience the difficulties of the hearing impaired.
Hear They Are
It consisted of three training sessions for HOST members to learn the basic sign language. The trainer is a volunteer from Silence. She taught us basic expression about greeting, number, locations, etc.

Hear We Are
It was a “Deaf Experience Day”, in which around 200 citizens attended. There were fun fair stalls and “Silence City”. Through the experiences in the stalls, the participants could learn the basic sign language and songs. Host members and volunteers from Silence held the stalls together. “Silence City” allowed the participants to experience a normal day of deaf people by putting up earmuffs. They went to simulated wet market, clinic and cinema from a new perspective.
Service project is the core of a leo club. Starting a new theme project is easy but the real challenge is how to avoid repeating yourselves. This year we did an excellent job to initialise a new approach to cooperate with service target, as well as to insert the element of service into fundraising and training. All these set an example for the next few years. Another remarkable highlight is the cooperation among members. They are devoted to turning zero to one. It was my honour to serve with these fellows to have such achievement.